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Knowledge Summit 2024

A Knowledge Summit, hosted by the VR-SIM Carers Initiative at Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences. The project is funded by the National Research Council Canada and the Canadian Institute of Health Research.


Credit: Jordan Leroux, Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences

Summit Panelists

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Mr. Tyler Redublo

The Centre for Aging + Brain Health Innovation (CABHI)

Dr. Raheleh Saryazdi

Trent University Durham/UHN; VRx@Home

Dr. Lora Appel

York University; caregiVR

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Dr. Winnie Sun

Ontario Tech University; VR reminiscence Therapy


Ms. Joey Wong

 University of British Columbia’s IDEA Lab led by Dr. Lillian Hung

Dr. Marie Savundranayagam

Western University; Be-EPIC VR study

Dr. Winnie Sun

Dr. Marie Savundranayagam

Mr. Tyler Redublo

Live Demonstration

Anticipation built as guest caregiver Ms. Maria Vilas, founder of Santé Mentale en Avant, put on the VR headset to explore an "Apathy" scenario. This demonstration ignited an animated discussion led by Mr. Beleno, joined by two of our highly qualified personnel, Refka Al-bayati and Andrei Torres.

What did our attendees say?

“Exciting Virtual Reality projects being developed for people living with dementia and their caregivers! Thank you Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences for the invitation to join this great panel and event.”

~ Mr. Tyler Redublo

"Thank you so much for organizing this event. I deeply appreciate your passion in improving the lives of persons living with dementia and their care partners. I am grateful for the work you all do in creating opportunities for engagement and connection among persons living with dementia and their care partners. It was truly a privilege to attend this summit. I can’t wait to see where VR-SIMS will be in the near future."

~ Ms. Justine Lee

“Thank you Dr. Amer Burhan and Dr. Mary Chiu for the invitation and for bringing us all together for the VR Knowledge Summit! It was lovely connecting with Dr. Marie Savundranayagam, and Dr. Raheleh Saryazdi for excellent knowledge exchange and discussion today! Looking forward to more opportunities to work together in the future!”

~ Dr. Winnie Sun

"I really enjoyed attending this event and learning about the various dementia health initiatives using VR. The passion and creativity in developing and implementing these innovative solutions is truly impressive! Definitely interested to see where VR SIMS Carers is headed in terms of care partner learning and skill development outcomes."

~ Ms. Cheryl Miller

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